Abstract Submission Closes May 7, 2025
All oral and poster presentations require the submission of an abstract. There is no fee for abstract submission. Please have ready: presentation title; the session you are submitting to; the name, affiliation and email for all authors; and the abstract text (limited to 250 words). Prepare now by reviewing the Session Descriptions. You will be asked to select presentation style preference (oral in-person, oral online, poster, or no preference). Posters will be in-person only.
When an abstract is submitted the submitting author will receive email notification of the submission. Please forward this notice to your authors and co-authors. The submitting authors will be permitted to update abstract information during the abstract submission window only. Submitting authors will be able to assign or change the presenting author until the detailed program is finalized in mid-September. Note that presentations may be moved to a different but related session at the discretion of the Scientific Committee.
Presenting authors must register for the meeting by mid-September for the presentation to appear in the final program.
Any person can submit up to two presentations.
If a change to your abstract is necessary after submission, please use the Contact Form and select “Abstract Submssion” as the subject.